Friday, November 22, 2013

Week 7: Encouraging Selflearning

What we are doing now on our online course is mainly learning autonomy.

Learner autonomy is when students take control and responsibility for their own learning, both in terms of what they learn and how they learn it. It takes as its starting point the idea that students are capable of self-direction and are able to develop an independent, proactive approach to their studies.

The role of the teacher when developing learner autonomy:

-Focus on learning rather than teaching. Be a co-learner.
-Be a model: Speak the TL, respect the learners – and especially their time (authentic language use, activity types, etc.)
-Keep learners and parents fully informed as regards: What you do as a teacher, why you do it, and what you expect from learners as well as parents.
-Trust the learners: Take what the learners say at face value.
-See problems as challenges to be dealt with – together with the learners.

Yamaguchi (2005) recapitulates: "A computer is better than a mobile phone for handling various types of information such as visual, sound, and textual information, but mobile phone is superior to a computer in portability. And some students don't have their own computer" (p. 57).From my point of view, this is true. But they are both useful for learning languages.
We should encourage students to engage in out-side-the classroom tasks so as to increase their autonomous behaviors. Since learner autonomy generally go hand in hand with out-side-the classroom learning, it would be best to assign some tasks that might appeal to their interests and needs so they can start developing autonomy skills very early.

Mobile phone is an instruction tool of great potential because of its high popularity among young adults and also fun.

Steps of teaching vocabulary by using M-learning:

-get students to use mobile dictionary to define key words.
-download flash cards and quizzes.
-send a mobile
message everyday to explain a word.
- vocabulary games

Vocabulary drills on mobile devices:
1.matching synonyms.
2.matching opposites
3.label a picture.
4.complete the definitions.
5.define the given words.

M ABCD for using m-learning:
By using the mobile phone dictionary, third year secondary student will be able to define the given words:demand, purpose, evaporate and
express with 90% correct.

I have shared some resources on ( padlet ) page on our class wall on wiki and have created my own padlet titled - Ahmed hamzi's padlet- and this its address

I use padlet to give my students some reading comprehension, vocabulary and grammar activities and I have them create a 'virtual pinboard' on our padlet for their works at home and then we use one computer inside the classroom to check them.

Our final project peer review  group:  Ahmed-Bernadette-Sira

My Project plan:

Using Web 2 tools ( Blogs)  to increase Third Year Secondary students' scores on the English language achievement test for the following skills: reading comprehension, vocabulary and grammar'.

My resources:


  1. Hi Ahmed,

    Greetings to you! I wonder how you can manage to do two things: one, you have such an elaborative explanation of content, it’s so detail and gives vivid picture. Two, at the same time you can write so short and brief yet powerful content. You really make good teacher and of course as we all se you are a good learner too.

    Your post on week 7 is so clear and precise of so many reading we made on learner autonomy, one computer classroom and using mobile phones. Your very starting line that says, “We should encourage student to engage in out-side-the classroom so as to increase their autonomous behaviors” summarizes and gives light to what we were discussing in the Nicenet.

    You really have a good summary in bulletin about the activities and learning that can happen in mobile. Good you all can do this. Here in my place children are not at all allowed to use phones nor do parents encourage children and this is our government policy to ban mobiles in schools.
    I really like your every post and your power to condense large idea in few and expand few to many.

    Keep it up!

  2. Hi Ahmed,

    Its a treat to read your blogs. Your conception of the content that we learn every week is so clear. You are lucky that your students can use computers even outside the class. In Kolkata, there are many students who still have to go to a cyber cafe to use one. Moreover, using mobile in the classroom, even for learning purpose is strictly prohibited. I wish the rules would be a little relaxed in our country, for the benefit of the students.

    Warm regards,

  3. Hello Ahmed,
    I see my classmates, Sanjiv and Paramita eye to eye, when it comes to your brief and valuable tips you add to your blog. Having been your classmate, we learned a lot and enjoyed a lot of methods of teaching online plus using mobiles. I have added your name to my blog for the simple and friendly way of teaching you use. Now that we are working on our final project, we really need to prove successful and creative. I look forward to reading all my classmates projects.

    Stay in touch,
    Waseem Z.
